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发布时间: 2017-12-04 点击量: [] 来源: 






美国伊利诺伊芝加哥分校James Lee副教授(生物工程)

James Lee is an Associate Professor of Bioengineering at University of Illinois at Chicago. He received his PhD degree from University of Pennsylvania in 2000. He oversees an active laboratory comprising of research scientists, and graduate and undergraduate students. Many of his previous trainees have become project leaders, medical doctors and professors in research institutions, medical schools and universities. He has participated and co-organized national and international symposia, and he is a constant reviewer for journal articles from Biophysical J, J. Lipid Research, and Biochemical J. He has been a member of the Biomedical Engineering Society, the American Neurochemistry Society, International Neurochemistry Society, Society of Neuroscience, and Biophysical Society.