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发布时间: 2018-11-16 点击量: [] 来源: 







主讲人:Geert de Snoo执行校长

Pro-Rector of Leiden University, Dean of Faculty of Science, Professor of Conservation biology

Prof. Geert de Snoo is the Pro-Rector of Leiden University, the Chairman of Faculty of Science. He is also the Chairman of Natura Science in the League of European Research Universities(欧洲研究型大学联盟).

Prof. Geert de Snoo’s research focus on the sustainability and biodiversity, important research items are: Impacts of chemicals on biodiversity, ecological risk assessment and development of recovery strategies; Impacts of land use changes on biodiversity, biodiversity & landscape management, ecological restoration and transition towards sustainable production and land use.

One of his main engagement is leading the spotlighted life science project “Making the planet livable”, in which across disciplines from biology to data science, and from environmental economy to archaeology, scientists work together to formulate innovative solutions for a more sustainable world.

At the moment he is supervisor of several PhD candidates. He is the author of about 250 scientific and professional publications.