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发布时间: 2019-12-13 点击量: [] 来源: 


为进一步推进“全球校园计划”,服务学校“双一流”建设,我校邀请联合国训练研究所中国事务代表Julian Caletti于12月16日举行来校举行全球胜任力项目宣讲会(四个一百系列讲座/可盖章),届时Julian Caletti老师将于与广大交大学子面对面交流。

时间:2019年12月16日 10:30


主讲人:Mr.Julian Caletti

Mr. Julian Caletti is a German professional working at UNITAR’s Division for Multilateral Diplomacy since 2016. Prior to this post, he worked for three years at the Information Service of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), providing visitors of the Palais des Nations with knowledge on the United Nations.

At UNITAR, Julian is responsible for the United Nations Training Programmes in Geneva and other cities, with a special focus on field visits for participants to get first-hand experiences of the United Nations and other international agencies. Julian is further in charge of creating new partnerships with institutions in the People’s Republic of China.

Julian holds a master’s degree in international affairs from the Graduate Institute Geneva and a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts from the University College Maastricht. He spent a total of four years working and studying in Latin America and China and is fluent in German, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese.




